Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Chaos 6th Edition Army

Here's my Black Legion Chaos army in it's latest 6th edition incarnation. Not a power army by any means but I like the fluffy fluff and it's something I can play right away without buying anything new. I played one game with Abaddon against Space Wolves and the preferred enemy and hatred did let them hang in there well. Still, losing one or two squads can hurt. For my particular purposes, I think Slaanesh and Khorne Chosen are just as good as Noisemarines (don't have any sonic weapon models, but I have given my pink chosen squad bareheads, mouthpieces, and modified their backpack exhaust ports to be big speakers), and the number of attacks they can put out is very nice. Obviously the army doesn't have much anti-flyer at all and would struggle against a heavy flyer enemy.

Here's the 2k list:


Sorceror - mark of tzeentch, spell familiar, +1 level, terminator armor

4 Chosen Terminators - mark of tzeentch, champion with chainfist, 1 powerfist, 2 power axes, 1 reaper autocannon, and 3 combi-plasmas

8 Thousand Sons + Aspiring Sorceror - power axe

8 Chosen - mark of khorne, 2 meltaguns, champion with powerfist

7 Plaguemarines - 2 meltaguns, champion with powerfist

6 Chosen - mark of slaanesh, 5 flamers, champion with power weapon

3 Obliterators

Defiler - extra powerfist, power scourge